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“Whenever circumstances demand it, a book that changes humanity’s direction is published. Believe Nothing—Know Nothing is such a book. The human population has been transformed into a colony of lemmings marching blithely over the cliff. The information provided in this important book will instruct those still willing and able to listen on how to break free of the evil programming that has enthralled humanity. Read this book as if your life depended on it. Because it does. Koven presents an uncomfortably strong case for the imminent demise of the human race. Although it may be too late for others to change their direction, it doesn’t have to be for you.”

Caryl Dennis,  author of The Millennium Children:Tales of the Shift

“… provocative and challenging in its far-reaching, all-encompassing, mind-bending scope.  Schrodinger’s Cat on steroids.” 
Believe Nothing, Know Nothing is provocative and challenging in its far-reaching, all-encompassing, mind-bending scope.  Schrodinger’s Cat on steroids.  It is the work of one man’s lifelong, ongoing mind quest to make sense of where we are, where we’re going, and how we got here.  Despite, (or because of?) its titular admonition to believe nothing and know less, it asks us to accept the possibility that we are spawn of star-beings, bastards of interstellar liaisons with the Anunnaki that has brought us to the brink of extinction and/or the possibility of taking our place amongst the gods themselves.  Koven’s healthy skepticism underlies an innocent acceptance that is hopefully optimistic that despite humankind’s relentless rush to shoot itself in the foot with an AI loaded pistol, we might yet be, if not God’s crowning achievement, at least an interesting sidebar to TOSIC’s (The One Supreme Infinite Creator’s) understanding of itself.  

Koven purports to believe nothing; an assumption whose inverse may also be true; believe everything.  By his own admission he not from “here.”  Despite that, and because of that, I can only say, we should be glad that he is “here,” to challenge us to think waaaayyyyy outside of the box of our own comfort zones and accepted systems.
Alki Steriopoulos, author of The Man Who Came Late to His Own Funeraland the upcoming The Coney Island Whitefish Races

Believe Nothing, Know Nothing offers readers a profound journey through the author's transformative experiences and epiphanies. Sparked by a revelatory dream, Koven's worldview undergoes a series of paradigm shifts, each more enlightening than the last. This writing is not only witty and engaging but also brimming with spiritual insights that resonate deeply.

Koven's narrative is a compelling blend of humor and wisdom, making complex spiritual concepts accessible and relatable. His ability to articulate the often-overlooked fabrications of perceived reality is both thought-provoking and inspiring. As readers follow Koven's journey, they are invited to question their own perceptions and prepare for the inevitable changes ahead.

In essence,  Believe Nothing, Know Nothing is more than a memoir; it is a guide for those seeking to understand the deeper layers of reality and equip themselves for the future. Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or new to these ideas, Koven's story will captivate and enlighten you.

Bella LaVey, Bestselling Amazon Author of Fetish Girl, A Memoir of Sex, Domination, and Motherhood.

“Wisdom is hard-won and gained with years of experience.   And sometimes, there are gifts of grace that cut to the chase.  Believe Nothing  Know Nothing is just such a gift.  If we are open, it delineates, with stark clarity, the forces at work in our world and our position in the game.  We live in times of a final showdown between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness -- much like those described by the Bhagavad Gita, the great epic from India’s ancient past. …  Koven has brought us a handbook, as each one of us enters the fray of our own battlefields, to awaken us to remember who we are in the light of our eternal natures.  Therein the battle is won.
Becca Tzigany, Sacred Activist, Crone Counselor, and Author, Venus and Her Lover – Transforming Myth, Sexuality, and Ourselves