“Read this book as if your life depended on it … Although it may be too late for others to change their direction, it doesn’t have to be for you.”
Caryl Dennis, author—-
The Millennium Children: Tales of the Shift.
“Read this book as if your life depended on it … Although it may be too late for others to change their direction, it doesn’t have to be for you.”
Caryl Dennis, author of The Millennium Children: Tales of the Shift.
Believe Nothing, Know Nothing offers readers a profound journey through the author’s transformative experiences and epiphanies. Sparked by a revelatory dream, Koven’s worldview undergoes a series of paradigm shifts, each more enlightening than the last. This memoir is not only witty and engaging but also brimming with spiritual insights that resonate deeply. Koven’s narrative is a compelling blend of humor and wisdom, making complex spiritual concepts accessible and relatable. His ability to articulate the often-overlooked fabrications of perceived reality is both thought-provoking and inspiring. As readers follow Koven’s journey, they are invited to question their own perceptions and prepare for the inevitable changes ahead.
Bella LaVey, Bestselling Amazon Author,
Fetish Girl, A Memoir of Sex,
Domination and Motherhood
Becca Tzigany, Author,
Venus and Her Lover
There is an underlying feeling rising
amongst many that something is terribly
wrong. There is. The explanation lies
within the pages of this fascinating book
as does the answer.
Maureen Moss,
3 Time Best-Selling Author
Artfully written as a groundbreaking journey to higher consciousness, this remarkable book invites readers to join author Jean-Claude Koven as he takes you on a mind-bending quest to peel back the layers of reality and expose everything you thought was real.
With his characteristic wit and candid tone, Koven reveals a series of revelations and epiphanies that led him to uncover his unique off-planet lineage and his special role in awakening his fellow Lightworkers. Along the way, he exposes a grand deception by malevolent extraterrestrial powers that seek to keep us trapped in a false reality of delusion and ignorance.
This book is overflowing with paradigm-shifting spiritual insights. It will open your mind and provide you with a captivating new perspective. Koven’s healthy dose of skepticism will challenge your
beliefs and lead you to a new understanding.
In these pages, you’ll uncover the truth about how and why humanity became trapped in a highly evil matrix. But more importantly, you’ll learn the simple solution to free you and the tens of millions of your fellow Lightworkers who’ve been so cleverly deceived. Koven reveals a clear, step-by-step path to escape this matrix and reconnect to your true self.
Nothing you were ever told is the truth. As a result of deliberate and diabolical programming, you no longer know who you really are. Believe Nothing, Know Nothing provides clear answers, enabling Lightworkers to break free, embrace their true identity, and unravel the secrets behind a false reality.
Provocative and challenging in its far-reaching, all- encompassing, mind-bending scope. Schrodinger’s cat on steroids.
Alki Steriopoulos, author of The Man Who Came Late to His Own Funeral
Get your copy of this ground-breaking book
at your favorite online bookseller.
Jean-Claude Koven, a renowned writer and speaker, currently resides in a serene mountain village in the southern Andes Mountains of Ecuador. His profound insights into spirituality and metaphysics have been widely recognized. He was a featured weekly columnist for the United Press International’s Religion and Spirituality Forum and the author of the critically acclaimed book
Going Deeper: How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense. This book was the recipient of the Allbooks Reviews editor’s choice award and the USABookNews.com award for the best metaphysical book of the year. This book was the recipient of the Allbooks Reviews editor’s choice award and the USABookNews.com award for the best metaphysical book of the year.
While Jean-Claude knew from a very early age that he wasn’t quite like other humans in his family, it wasn’t until very recently that the full extent of his lineage was revealed to him along with the information he was asked to include in Believe Nothing, Know Nothing – The Lightworkers’ Ultimate Survival Manual in the expectation that this material may help humanity – along with the ensnared 100 million lightworkers who came to free them – awaken from their mind-controlled slumber.
“This isn’t just a book; it’s a spiritual manifesto for those
ready to transcend the confines of their beliefs. •
“The book serves as a survival manual for Lightworkers and
offers insights on breaking free from mental enslavement
and fulfilling their mission on Earth. Koven’s ability to tie
spiritual awakening with cosmic history and metaphysical
principles makes it a treasure for seekers of higher
“Imagine being told that everything you believe is a lie—this is the premise Jean-Claude Koven sets in his audacious exploration of human consciousness. From questioning the origins of humanity to proposing that the very gods we worship were created by us, Koven takes readers on an unsettling yet enlightening journey into the heart of existence. With each chapter, the author challenges long-held assumptions, asserting that over 100 million Lightworkers, including you, are here with a cosmic mission—yet most remain unaware, trapped in an illusion. This isn’t just a book; it’s a spiritual manifesto for those ready to
transcend the confines of their beliefs.
“The book serves as a survival manual for Lightworkers and offers insights on breaking free from mental enslavement and fulfilling their mission on Earth. Koven’s ability to tie spiritual awakening with cosmic history and metaphysical principles makes it a treasure for seekers of higher consciousness. Through chapters that explore the nature of God, the creation of human existence, and the vast illusion under which humanity operates, Koven speaks directly to those who have always felt out of place in this world. He challenges readers to remember their divine origins and take control of their spiritual evolution.
“Koven’s content is undoubtedly thought-provoking and profound, particularly in how it ties personal enlightenment to a greater cosmic plan. His theories about the existence of extraterrestrial creators and the enslavement of human consciousness will spark intrigue among readers familiar with metaphysical ideas. The language is intellectually stimulating, though it can occasionally feel dense, which adds to the book’s authoritative tone. His metaphysical concepts, while challenging, are presented with clarity and are grounded in a firm understanding of spiritual traditions. The book excels in appealing to its target audience—Lightworkers and those on a spiritual journey—offering them a deep sense of validation. Its uniqueness cannot be overstated, as it boldly challenges mainstream spirituality and presents groundbreaking ideas about human evolution and cosmic purpose.
“One of the standout aspects of the book is the author’s exploration of identity. In the chapter “Who Are You?” Koven masterfully illustrates the complexity of human self-awareness and offers a multi-layered perspective that resonates on both spiritual and philosophical levels. It’s the kind of reflection that lingers long after reading. My favorite part of the book is Koven’s discussion on breaking free from beliefs in “Breaking the Bond,” where he skillfully compares letting go of one’s ego to climbing a ladder—a metaphor both simple and profound, which perfectly captures the essence of spiritual growth.
“While the book’s content is exceptional and the visual aids or diagrams enhance the accessibility of the ideas, there are moments when the language feels overly complex, which could alienate readers unfamiliar with metaphysical concepts. Readers who seek a light or casual read will not enjoy this book, as it requires deep contemplation and challenges conventional thinking.
However, those immersed in spiritual work or familiar with authors like David Icke or metaphysical texts like The Law of One will find it deeply rewarding.
“Koven has contributed something exceptional to the world of spiritual literature. His work is not just a book, but a call to action for Lightworkers everywhere. Its potential lies in awakening a collective shift in consciousness, and it holds the power to inspire those ready to break free from societal illusions. This book’s greatest strength is its fearlessness, as it urges readers to rethink the most fundamental truths they hold dear.
Mary Jones—
The Chrysalis BREW Project
How could 100 million Lightworkers, highly evolved beings from distant parts of the galaxy, have become so severely compromised that most of us have failed to fulfill our missions?
Even though I arrived on this planet long before terms like Wanderers, Indigos, Crystal Children, or Starseeds became popularized, it wasn’t until recently that I finally received the last pieces of the puzzle to answer these questions.
I have come to realize that the inability of humans to get along has brought the planet’s population to the brink of annihilation. Over the years, I have gathered information fragments that started forming patterns. As I began putting those fragments into writing, I felt guided by a Cosmic Intelligence that
downloaded much of the information in this book.
The revelations have stunned me.
Transitioning from author to scribe, I went through a rollercoaster of emotions as the gaps between my fragments began to fill in. At first, I couldn’t believe the information I was given. But as the undeniable picture emerged, I found myself overwhelmed by outrage and deep despair. Finally, I reached a point of acceptance as disturbing details about the Creation and subsequent enslavement of the human race were disclosed.
I was shown with remarkable clarity the hidden history of the human race and who their extraterrestrial creators, viewed as gods by most humans, actually were. I learned how and why the human race remains enslaved until now. Cosmic Intelligence revealed how Lightworkers became unwittingly trapped in the energetic web of this matrix. More importantly, this source shared what those Lightworkers need to do to break free of the malefic control that blocks them from fulfilling their missions.
The existential challenges confronting humans at this critical juncture of their collective timelines have long been known. That is why about 100 million Lightworkers are currently incarnated in human form to shed some light on this particularly dark corner of the cosmos.
The planet’s controllers’ artificial intelligence algorithms were keenly aware of each extraterrestrial’s arrival and devised special programming to effectively divert their focus from their objectives. Despite their highly elevated consciousness quotient, the overwhelming majority of these loving Lightworkers have succumbed to the manipulative deception of this illusion and forgotten their lineage. Some of those trapped cosmic rescuers are probably people you know.
For most of the planet’s more than eight billion inhabitants, the concept of spiritual evolution remains a mystery that will be encountered in some future time and place. Humans have been so deftly deceived and manipulated that few can envision an infinite Universe beyond the various Kingdoms of Heaven promised in various religious doctrines
We have all been frustrated trying to communicate with those unwilling to listen and refuse to consider the possibility that their cherished beliefs might have been maliciously implanted. Instead, they arrogantly relegate those who question authority to the outer fringes of lunacy. This schism has divided families and destroyed friendships.
The information you are about to read will help repair that schism.
Imagine that the spell imprisoning humanity can be broken only by exposing how the evil sorcerers
It is said you are not one but three.
The one you think you are,
the one others think you are,
and the one you really are.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Each of us, as Lightworkers, possesses not just unique abilities but a divine spark that sets us apart from the rest of humanity. Whether we are called Wanderers, Indigos, Starseeds, Crystal Children, or some similar name, we are all extraterrestrial beings who have come in love to serve this planet and its eight billion human inhabitants during these tumultuous times.
The controllers constantly watch us and set challenges to keep us from
Take great care to stay on your chosen path.
Navigating this path can be disorienting for a Lightworker, akin to a salmon forging upstream during the wrong season. Lightworkers frequently grapple with balancing their family, friends, and calling. For instance, those closest to us often reject our insights, feeling threatened by their perspectives. We may also face internal struggles, such as self-doubt or fear of judgment, as we strive to align with our true purpose.
I have received significant feedback that this book was also instrumental in helping shift the thinking of the normies in their lives—those people who have lived under the control of authority and fixedly believe that the information provided by mainstream media is fair and objective. When they discover, as you have, how and why they’ve been so easily manipulated, they become open to reexamining their beliefs for the first time. Give it a try to see if it works for you.
It can sometimes feel like a lonely road, even though there are nearly 100 million of us worldwide. Connecting with kindred souls on social media and in our local communities is not just helpful but essential. What will advance you most on your journey is to embrace the message of this writing and cultivate self-awareness—discover the one you really are.
If you found the material in this book beneficial on your personal journey, I’d appreciate it if you would take a moment to let others know. I unabashedly ask for your help. For many people, the opinion of others will be the deciding factor in taking action.
Your opinion matters, and it could be the driving force that inspires someone to make a positive change. Please help spread the word by posting a review on the site where you obtained this book and on social media—especially any Lightworker Facebook groups you are part of.
If you want to join those of us on the Global Ground Crew who have accepted the task of awakening our fellow Lightworkers, please click here, to learn about the vital role you can play in achieving this essential objective.
Thank you so much for considering this. Your ongoing support is urgently needed if we are to succeed,