
About Author

Award-Winning Author

Jean-Claude Koven's Going Deeper is an acclaimed spiritual guide, winning top metaphysical book awards.

2. Lightworkers’ Manual

His latest book, Believe Nothing, Know Nothing, offers essential survival tips for lightworkers awakening humanity.

Spiritual Columnist

Koven was a featured columnist for UPI's Religion and Spirituality Forum, sharing his metaphysical insights.

About Author

Jean-Claude Koven

A renowned writer and speaker, currently resides in a serene mountain village in the southern Andes Mountains of Ecuador. His profound insights into spirituality and metaphysics have been widely recognized. He was a featured weekly columnist for the United Press International’s Religion and Spirituality Forum and the author of the critically acclaimed book Going Deeper: How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense. This book was the recipient of the Allbooks Reviews editor’s choice award and the award for the best metaphysical book of the year.
While Jean-Claude knew from a very early age that he wasn’t quite like other humans in his family, it wasn’t until very recently that the full extent of his lineage was revealed to him along with the information he was asked to include in Believe Nothing, Know Nothing – The Lightworkers’ Ultimate Survival Manual in the expectation that this material may help humanity – along with the ensnared 100 million lightworkers who came to free them – awaken from their mind-controlled slumber.